nam nam

Hi every one!

I’m sitting eating a delicious desert right now!

I took a small red apple and a banana
pealed them and chopped them to small squares
and then I broke/chopped some dark chocolate with orange flavor
and 1 and ½ teaspoons of liquid honey.

I put the bowl (in which I had mixed the ingredients) in the micro
set it for 1 min.

I served myself a small portion in a desert bowl with one scoop of
vanilla Ice cream together with a glass of nice dry red wine. ^^

velintines.. irk

Hi everyone!

How are you guys?

I'm fine btw but a got a little bit of a stuffy nose. Oh well that's life I guess.

I'm going to have boooring valentines day. no that I like this particular day or for the matter celebrate it but still its Saturday and I would like to go out. oh well I have to work later today from about 4 until the kidds bedtime.

Well I guess that's it for today.. what are you guys doing for valentines? Do you celebrate it or ignore it?

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