random youtube.. Oo
denna va reant av grym!! inte för att jag fattar ett ord men endå... snaka om ond röst! men endå cool....
Im a sick sick persen..LOL
OMG!! Gotta love it!!! I'm a total NERD but you know like I care (bratty voyce)
enyway im gonna look some more chaoo.. ^^
Im a sick sick persen..LOL
OMG!! Gotta love it!!! I'm a total NERD but you know like I care (bratty voyce)
enyway im gonna look some more chaoo.. ^^
hahahaha jag skrattar o fnissar så mina kinder gör ont!!!
Dom e fett bra!! LOL
Dom e fett bra!! LOL
oki seriously I'm friggin COLD! and I HATE BEING COLD!! im freesing so much that my bones are shivering!!!
NOT FUN!! >.<
on the other hand my cace is a fluffy sucsess!!!! *victory dance*
while i was surfing the net... I found this AWSEEEEMMMM site!!
Its a japanese food encyclopaedia!!! me is bisy looking up recepys!!
NOT FUN!! >.<
on the other hand my cace is a fluffy sucsess!!!! *victory dance*
while i was surfing the net... I found this AWSEEEEMMMM site!!
Its a japanese food encyclopaedia!!! me is bisy looking up recepys!!
sockerkaka o nudlar
oki så huset e nu rent! vyckorten e postade och jag sitter o äter nudlar o ventar på att min sitron sockerkaka blir klar...
de va ett experiment so jag vet inte om de blir bra men jag hoppas på det i alla fall...
för tillfället kollar jag på
såå sött o charmitt!!! =(^.^)=
de va ett experiment so jag vet inte om de blir bra men jag hoppas på det i alla fall...
för tillfället kollar jag på
såå sött o charmitt!!! =(^.^)=
Hi people oki this is my new blogg..
ehem *mumbles*becouseitotalyforgotthepaswordtomyoldone*mumbles*
Enyhow for thous of you that figured it out congrats for the rest to bad.
Im in Shweiz!!! ahhhh how cool is that?? (thus the theme! ^^)
about the picture.. I DON'T OWN IT!!! and im not selling it blaha blaha and all that jazz that comes with en ecclamire or however you sey it... i fount it in google pics and admit it pople.. It's CUTE!!!
No worries thought ones I find a pic of myself that I belive would fit the page I'm putting it up oki.
Im gonna try to update this one regularly.. if not dag cuss i would have probebly forgoten then heh.... *whistles*
I MISS U EMMA!!! *sends love*
and Janette you can alweys send me a mail if you need to rambel lovely.
OMG Today was Robin Nilsson's birth day! (thank you god for birthday reminder)
and soon it will be beccys.... ive sent her a post card sins i cant afoard a pakege yet.. but ones i do ill send her her pressie.. ^^
ehem *mumbles*becouseitotalyforgotthepaswordtomyoldone*mumbles*
Enyhow for thous of you that figured it out congrats for the rest to bad.
Im in Shweiz!!! ahhhh how cool is that?? (thus the theme! ^^)
about the picture.. I DON'T OWN IT!!! and im not selling it blaha blaha and all that jazz that comes with en ecclamire or however you sey it... i fount it in google pics and admit it pople.. It's CUTE!!!
No worries thought ones I find a pic of myself that I belive would fit the page I'm putting it up oki.
Im gonna try to update this one regularly.. if not dag cuss i would have probebly forgoten then heh.... *whistles*
I MISS U EMMA!!! *sends love*
and Janette you can alweys send me a mail if you need to rambel lovely.
OMG Today was Robin Nilsson's birth day! (thank you god for birthday reminder)
and soon it will be beccys.... ive sent her a post card sins i cant afoard a pakege yet.. but ones i do ill send her her pressie.. ^^