I am afraid for you,
Beautiful butterfly because your wings are so thin and fragile
I envy you,
Beautiful butterfly for your colors are so rich and you can go wherever you wish
I am scared of you,
Beautiful butterfly for you are poisonous and can blind me
I adore you,
For you give memories beyond the one of sight
Your wings flutter against my hands and face bringing smiles and heartache
Your patterned wings seem to whisper to the winds what you can’t speak
I feel like I can only fallow with my soul or in my dreams and even there I’m captured by
Unable to break free to be
What I want to be and
Breath the fresh air were you rest
To feel without the need to protect myself
To clench my fists and brace myself
To open my arms and let go
To fall down on the grass without the fear of it hurting my skin leaving me
Feeling raw and scratched and hurt
To fall down and enjoy the sight of you